© Helvetas

Advisory Services

© Helvetas

Helvetas gives technical advice and support to development projects, develop new tools, methods and approaches, and offers training and capacity building support. We elaborate analytical reports and publications, assist in strategic planning processes, and share Helvetas’ expertise in international networks.

Our expertise

Development means building human and organizational capacities, and local ownership. While providing technical expertise, we are committed to building virtual bridges that help achieve concerted action at global, national and local levels.

Helvetas expertise builds on more than six decades of practical experiences in rural development work. We systematically capture learnings, insights and innovations to effectively address today’s challenges. We strive to create a strong link between local knowledge and concerns and national or international know-how and issues.

For Helvetas, it’s important to share good practices and lessons learned in face-to-face discussion, online debates and publications. We believe in a two-way knowledge exchange between developed and developing countries and foster South-South cooperation. By using multiple media and communications channels and tools, we support strategic planning, policy development and informed public dialogue.

Helvetas collaborates with a wide range of partner organizations that bring in additional critical skills and expertise. We share our expertise in international networks.

What we offer

  • Cutting-edge specialist and evidence-based advice
  • Thematic analysis, documentation and publication
  • Process and network facilitation
  • Capacity-building for our partners and clients through coaching, training, courses and organizational development
  • Development of methodological tools, manuals and curricula
  • Strategic program development and support in project cycle management
  • Evidence-based learning and knowledge management
  • Development of monitoring systems, project evaluations and impact assessments
© Helvetas
© Helvetas
© Helvetas / Chinch Gryniewicz
© Helvetas / Chinch Gryniewicz

National and international references

Our experts not only advise our own programs but also other private, non-profit, state and multilateral organizations on their development projects.

Our clients include

  • Our own development programs and projects
  • Bilateral and multilateral development agencies, e.g. GIZ and DFID
  • Civil society organizations
  • Private enterprises, e.g. Coop, Rabobank, Pakka and Mars
  • Governmental institutions
  • Multilateral financial institutions such as the World Bank (WB) and the African Development Bank (ADB)
  • Global organizations such as the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) or the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Our quarterly newsletter “Highlights”

For development practitioners and anyone interested in our projects and approaches.

Helvetas’ Advisory Services comprises experts in rural and urban development, environmental management, and knowledge and learning from around the globe. 

Our Advisory Services are internationally renowned. Helvetas' experts advise external clients – private, nonprofit, state and multilateral organizations – as well as our Helvetas’ teams and projects in the Global South.  

Learn more about our topics and services on