Helvetas Germany belongs to the international Helvetas network which is committed to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged people in developing countries.
Helvetas is an international network of independent affiliate member organisations working in the field of development cooperation and emergency response. As a network, we promote the fundamental rights of individuals and groups and strengthen governments and other duty bearers in their service provision. The Helvetas network builds upon six decades of development experience. With 1400 collaborators, it is engaged in more than 30 countries. The affiliated members share a common vision and mission and subscribe to common working principles and policies. The members implement joint development programmes and adhere to a common strategy including defined working approaches and thematic areas of intervention.
Development Work on Four Continents
Helvetas’s core activities are international projects. Helvetas strives to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged people in rural areas in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. The projects focus on six working areas: Water and Infrastructure (water and sanitation, bridges and paths); Rural Economy (food, organic agriculture and Fair Trade); Environment and Climate Change (soils, forests and water); Education (literacy and skills development); Knowledge and Learning; and Governance and Peace (human rights and culture).
Giving the South a Voice
Successful development work involves not only projects in the South, but also change in the North. Helvetas endeavours to draw attention to the lives of people in developing countries and the challenges they face through campaigns and awareness-raising activities.
Helvetas Programme Countries Worldwide: